The WHAAM (Web Health Application for ADHD Monitoring) project has been funded with support from the European Commission in the context of the Lifelong Learning Programme (Reference: 531244-LLP-2012-KA3-KA3MP ).
The main goal of the WHAAM project is to contribute to fostering competitiveness and convergence, in line with the Euro Plus Pact (EUCO 10.1.11 Rev.1). It is focused on training teachers, involved with ADHD students, to practice monitoring techniques in the context of the CB approach. This training course may be deemed as part of the LLL process of teachers and adults, also with a relevant spillover effect on the lives of the ADHD pupils.
Moreover, the project seeks to improve the home-school collaboration in the field of ADHD, promote a stronger awareness of the importance of creating a skilled social network around ADHD pupils and diffuse the use of CB monitoring as the best way to collect data and to plan effective and shared interventions. To accomplish these goals, the project aims to construct a common framework involving educational research centers and some important public and private agencies engaged in the sector of learning and training. This action could increase the awareness of these agencies regarding the possible impact of the technology in the future of ADHD monitoring. To obtain this result it is important to consider the international research results in this area, but also to take into account the different local contexts, both at national and regional level.
All these actions are aimed at harmonizing the policies and spreading good practices in CB monitoring, and support the idea that ICT can play an important role in making the multimodal approach a time-efficient strategy for managing students with ADHD, without singling out or stigmatizing the child. In particular, the project intends to explore the opportunity offered by the mobile devices as tools to allow monitoring in real life situations, timely and easily.
The project is oriented to create the conditions for efficient and effective growth in teachers and parents’ abilities in CB monitoring, assuming that this benefits all pupils, not just the pupil with ADHD. Class wide interventions can have a positive effect on the learning and behavioral difficulties frequently associated with ADHD.